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À la Une
After operating in Zimbabwe for 12 Years, ACF officially announced its exit in Zimbabwe at a ceremony held on the 4th of November 2014, in Masvingo.
The meeting was attended by Government officials from line Ministries, partners, ACF staff and sector provincial and district sub-committees. It was noted that ACF started work in Zimbabwe at a time when the country had suffered a serious drought and hunger in 2002. The drought compounded malnutrition among adults and children.
During its time in Zimbabwe, ACF focused on four pillars of intervention: Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and emergence response. Apart from overview of ACF work in Zimbabwe given by the Regional Director and the Country Director, ACF staff presented on the program areas and their achievements over the years. All the Government dignitaries from line Ministries and the Provincial Administrator praised ACF for its conduct, dedication to work, cooperation and focus on development over the entire years of its operation and expressed their gratitude for the impact that the organization has done in the areas of operation.
Most of the stakeholders were not happy at the departure of ACF as they felt there are more areas of need but did accept that it was their responsibility to take on the work and improve the social conditions of people residing in rural areas of the country.
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