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header_notre_expertise Lys Arango pour Action contre la Faim

Our expertise
Overcoming hunger.
Fighting its causes.

Hunger is caused by multiple factors. To fight efficiently, our approach is global.

Our fight against hunger

Hunger affects 733 million people in the world, i.e. one person in 11.¹

Eradicating hunger on a long-term basis and fighting efficiently against it, involves getting to the root causes: dysfunctional food systems, lack of access to water and sanitation infrastructures, inadequate health systems, conflicts, natural disasters, the effects of climatic change, status of the women, education, poverty…


Competence and global approach


During the 40 years of fighting against hunger, our work has evolved. Our experience, an assessment into our approach, and the knowledge we have gained about the causes of hunger have reinforced our competence that is essential to be able to continue our fight. Every day our teams conduct scientific research so that we can improve our operational programs. To be able to continue making progress in our global fight against hunger, our actions rely on seven areas of competence.


¹SOFI 2024

Our 7 fields of expertise


Position & policy papers, studies, manuals & guidelines, reports

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