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20220613-DSC04132 © Said Musse pour Action contre la Faim
Monde de l’entreprise

Challenge against hunger

Connected Against Hunger

Je Déj Je Donne

Solidarity Rounding Up

Every donation matters, regardless of the amount. That’s why we’re striving to make donating simple and accessible, so that we can get as many people as possible involved in the fight against malnutrition.

All donations made are paid to Action contre la Faim to support our missions on the ground. Donations guarantee our financial independence and allow us to take action as quickly as possible to assist populations in need all over the world.



In our partner Lagardère Travel Retail’s duty free stores in French airports, you can support Action contre la Faim when you reach the checkout. For example, you can round the total of your purchase up to the next euro, thus donating some cents to ACF. This is an effective system that raises thousands of euros every year.



Developed by our partner MicroDON, this initiative enables employees to round up their pay to the next euro.

Many of our partners have already adopted this tool and offered it to their employees: Linkbynet, Talentia Software, Up and even Diebold Nixdorf.



In U stores
At several points throughout the year, you can support Action contre la Faim by buying at Système U, our partner for almost 20 years now. Various different initiatives are implemented on a selection of products, thus encouraging small donations, which fund our missions.


Next initiatives:

  • In October for World Food Day

  • In November for World Children’s Day

  • In December for the Christmas holidays

    In addition, during this period, €0.50 is paid to Action contre la Faim for every purchase of a set of 10 Christmas cards. These Christmas cards feature the designs proposed by the winners of the competition organised by U stores.

  • In Lagardère Travel Retail outlets in French airports, Gustave the bear (€2 donated) and the shopping bag (€1 donated), both star products in these stores, are sold at certain key times of the year to benefit Action contre la Faim.


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