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Lys Arango pour Action contre la Faim © Lys Arango pour Action contre la Faim

Mission Management

Technical Expertise and Research





Information systems

Human Resources



Resources Development & Marketing

Interships & Apprentices

Every day our teams conduct scientific research so that we can improve our operational programs. To be able to continue making progress in our global fight against hunger, our actions rely on seven areas of competence: 

  1. Nutrition and health
  2. Water, sanitation & Hygiene
  3. Food security and resources of existence
  4. Mental Health, Psychosocial Support
  5. Advocacy
  6. Research


Nutrition & Health


Action Against Hunger is much more than food. Improving the coverage of essential health and nutrition interventions throughout the entire spectrum of maternal and childcare, including the treatment of malnutrition, is our priority. 

In the aftermath of emergencies related to conflict and various sudden and diverse disasters, Action Against Hunger implements projects at the heart of populations to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, with a particular focus on essential nutritional interventions. 

Whether you are a doctor, nutritionist, nurse, epidemiologist, midwife/maieutician, pharmacist or public health specialist, we need your help to respond to global health and nutrition crises, support health systems and ultimately ensure the autonomy of actors. 


In the field

Responsable Programme Nutrition & Santé

As a Nutrition & Health Program Manager, you play a key role in the implementation and monitoring of integrated Nutrition & Health projects at the heart of communities and in collaboration with local partners. Together with a team under your supervision, you ensure the follow-up and adaptation of the minimum medical and nutritional packages administered to beneficiaries.  

Responsable Département Nutrition & Santé

Aa Nutrition & Health Head of Departmentyou coordinate the identification of humanitarian needs and nutrition & health interventions at the national level, to help define the strategies for a given mission, in compliance with our standards and national policies. You represent the organization before national and international bodies related to your sector. 

Expert Renforcement des Systèmes de Santé

As a Nutrition Surveillance Expert, you coordinate nutritional surveys (SMART, Rapid SMART, SQUEAC, SLEAC, etc.), providing training and capacity building for partners in these different systematic approaches, in order to accurately assess and monitor the nutritional needs of a given context and best meet the needs of beneficiaries

Expert Surveillance Nutritionnelle

Today, Action Against Hunger has changed its Nutrition & Health approach from a vertical approach, focused on nutrition interventions, to a more integrated and horizontal approach focusing on strengthening health systems. As a Health Systems Strengthening Expert, your objective is to carry out joint diagnosis and programming work with partners in the areas of intervention. 

At headquarters  


As headquarters-based Advisors, you are major contributors to the organization in ensuring the quality, relevance and technical innovation of our interventions in the sector of Nutrition and Health, in order to improve our interventions, support teams in the field and develop our overall expertise in this sector 

You actively participate in the development of a strategy to strengthen the skills and knowledge of all stakeholders in this sector on missions and at headquarters.  

You also analyze, evaluate and contribute to the development of our strategies and positioning in Nutrition & Health, while also guaranteeing their promotion at national and international level.

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM - TCHAD © Christophe Da Silva pour Action contre la Faim

Tchad 2019

© Christophe Da Silva pour Action contre la Faim

Food Security and Livelihoods

Action Against Hunger is much more than foodFood Security and Livelihoods (FSLis one of the pillars of our organization’s intervention; the aim is to enable vulnerable populations to have access to food of sufficient quality and quantity.   

Our objectives are many, complex and often specific to the context of intervention:  We therefore implement various actions in order to achieve our objectives: 

  • Food assistance  
  • Agricultural activities 
  • Income-generating activities in rural or urban areas  
  • Food Situation Monitoring  
  • Advocacy 


At headquarters  


As headquarters-based Advisors, you are major contributors to the organization in ensuring the quality, relevance and technical innovation of our interventions in the FSL sector, in order to improve our interventions, support teams in the field and develop our overall expertise in this sector 

You actively participate in the development of a strategy to strengthen the skills and knowledge of all stakeholders in the sector on missions and at headquarters.  

You also analyze, evaluate and contribute to the development of our strategies and positioning in FSL, while also guaranteeing their promotion at national and international level. 

Responsable Département Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d’Existence

As a Food Security and Livelihoods Head of Department, your main mission is to guarantee the quality, relevance and technical innovation of the FSL strategy and interventions on the mission. In addition, you contribute to the definition of the country strategy while coordinating needs identification and project proposal formulation. You support the FSL Program Managers in the implementation of these projects and represent the organization before national and international bodies related to your sector. 

Action Contre la Faim - RCA © Christophe Da Silva pour Action contre la Faim

© Christophe Da Silva pour Action contre la Faim


In the field

Responsable de Programme Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène

As a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program Manager you ensure the implementation and monitoring of activities and help define the positioning and strategy of the mission. 

With a team under your supervision, you work to rehabilitate and/or build latrines, wells and drill boreholes. You also contribute to hygiene prevention by working with local populations, displaced populations in villages and refugee camps. 

Responsable de Département Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène

As a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Head of Department you coordinate interventions at the national level, in compliance with Action Against Hunger standards and national policiesYou also represent Action Against Hunger before national and international bodies related to your sector.  

Co Facilitateur Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène

As a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Co-Facilitator you contribute towards the development of the sectoral and multisectoral strategy at the national cluster level, to ensure a coherent and effective response to ongoing humanitarian crises,. You stimulate working relationships and mobilize the different actors within the cluster while representing the organization. 

At headquarters 


Référent Technique Opérationnel Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène

As a WASH Operational Technical Advisor you provide support to the field and headquarters teams to ensure the quality, relevance and technical innovation of Action Against Hunger’s interventions.  You provide contextual technical analysis according to geographical areas, technical advice to the WASH Head of Department and develop technical expertise. 

Référent du secteur Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène

As a WASH Sector Advisor you will develop strategies and operational positioning, and ensure the development and monitoring of operational research to promote the development and ensure the coherence of the WASH sector. 

Luis Enrique Valverde, victime, déplacé depuis peu ©Lys Arango pour Action contre la Faim


© Lys Arango

Mental Health Psychosocial Support


Every day, vulnerable populations in the countries where we operate have to cope with a considerable number of problems linked to climate, political issues or family imbalance, often in a highly volatile security context. Action contre la Faim believes that to act effectively and sustainably, our interventions must consider the integration of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into its programs. 

The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support sector develops autonomous projects or projects integrated with other sectors of the association.



In the field  

Responsable Programme SMSP

As a Mental Health, Care Practices, Gender and Protection Program Manager you promote your interventions before the authorities, donors and partners. Together with a team under your supervision, you ensure the follow-up and contribute to the discussions on the strategy and positioning of the MHCPGP department. 

Expert SMPS

As a Mental Health, Care Practices, Gender and Protection Head of Department, you must guarantee the quality, relevance and scale-up of the MHCPGP strategy and interventions on the mission. In addition, you will help define the country strategy while coordinating needs identification and project proposal formulation. You support the MHCPGP Program Managers in the implementation of these projects and represent the organization before national and international bodies related to your sector. 

Staff Care

As a Mental Health and Care Practices Expert, you support the implementation of MHCPGP activities through the psychological care of displaced populations. In addition, you will establish a psychological management protocol and data compilation tools. 

Staff Care

Staff Care: you provide individual and group psychological support to Action Against Hunger employees in the context of regular violence experienced in the context of missions. In addition, you will be responsible for group stress and trauma management training; and for conducting practice analysis groups for teams exposed to traumatic stress in the course of their work. 

At headquarters


As headquarters-based Advisors, you are major contributors to the organization in ensuring the quality, relevance and technical innovation of our interventions in MHCPGP, in order to improve these interventions, support teams in the field and develop our overall expertise in this sector 

You actively participate in the development of a strategy to strengthen the skills and knowledge of all stakeholders on missions and at headquarters.  

You also analyze, evaluate and contribute to the development of our strategies and positioning in MHCPGP, while also guaranteeing their promotion at national and international level. 

Jordanie 2019 Action contre la Faim © Sébastien Duijndam pour Action contre la Faim

© Sébastien Duijndam

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning


Action Against Hunger implements Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) systems to effectively meet the needs of communities by acting in the most effective, efficient and sustainable way possible. 

The MEAL activities aim to provide methodological support to all program teams to ensure that the quality and relevance of program monitoring and internal evaluations carried out on the mission comply with Action Against Hunger’s operational framework. 

As a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Program manager or Head of Department, you will be responsible for the implementation of MEAL activities and ensure their follow-up and quality. 

Following the analyses produced and recommendations formulated by these verifications, you will also be in charge of monitoring and supporting the adaptation of project activities implemented in the field, in order to guarantee high quality standards in all projects at mission, regional and headquarters levels. 


République centrafricaine 2018 Action contre la Faim ®Paul Lorgerie pour Action contre la Faim

®Paul Lorgerie pour Action contre la Faim


Action Against Hunger believes that research, innovation and learning are essential to achieving its vision of a world without hunger and undernutrition. Our research is fundamentally linked to our operational programs and aims to improve the quality of our interventions through quantitative and qualitative studies, to better understand the causes of undernutrition in a given region, optimize the diagnosis of severe acute malnutrition and define new modalities for treatment/prevention of undernutrition. 

In 2017, 52 research projects were carried out in 26 countries, involving 48 partners and 25% of our research projects were multisectoral. 

One of our biggest projects is MAM’OUT and MANGO in Burkina Faso. 



Action Against Hunger is committed to research in collaboration with partners, and our organization has continued to promote research partnerships. These come from academic, research, non-governmental, multilateral, private and public institutions. 

Within the research unit and according to your expertise in the associated research field, you will be in charge of leading these projects from their design, to their implementation and up to the publication of the data. 

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