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Beware : A false recruitment email for Action against Hunger is circulating

The campaign seems to have reached diverse population in continents and countries where ACF network is implementing activities.

In order to reduce the risk of fraud extension and success of this attempt, please communicate as soon as possible – internally AND externally, the following message:


"Veuillez noter qu’un email frauduleux circule. Celui-ci donne de fausses informations indiquant qu’Action contre la Faim Canada parrainerait et recruterait des personnes pour qu’elles viennent au Canada, contre versement de frais administratifs."
Action contre la Faim


« Action Against Hunger will never ask for funds as part of any recruitment process and we do not offer sponsorship to move to Canada. For recruitment applications please proceed with Action Against Hunger websites or with our local offices. »

We therefore insist on humanitarian principles that are very important to our organization. Thanks in advance for your relay on this issue

In case of any specific alert related to this campaign, and if you need any additional support from our side, please contact: Charlotte Gabet – Head of Audit, Risk and Compliance unit 

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