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aide_entreprises_fondations Florian Seriex pour Action contre la Faim
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Companies & Foundations

Institutional partners

The company has to act and be willing to respond to company challenges in an efficient way taking into account the different reasons for hunger in the world: poverty, inequality, climatic change, conflict, agricultural resource threats, and so forth.

Our partner policy is aimed not only at funding programs that we have been developing for over 40 years in 49 countries but also in co-building innovative response models supported by the expertise of our activity leaders. By applying our know-how we can multiply the impact of the programs and attain the overall purpose of a world with no hunger as described in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Objectives.

Whatever the size of your company, you can help us to respond, at different stages, to the needs of people in the countries where we have operational programs. Each company can play a role at their level within a collective response initiative.


Engaging the interested parties of the company


In 2016, more than 5,500 employees have rallied alongside us: 85% of the employees have expressed their interest to become more involved in the Socially-Responsible Investment (SRI) actions of their company*.

64% of the employees believe that SRI actions improve the quality of their working relationships (same survey). In parallel, 67% of the employees have the sensation that they have not been involved in the action of the company with respect to the SRI action**.

* 2015 barometer of the responsible company
** 2016 barometer

Contributing to the development of programs

In 2016, 250 partners have joined us in our cause. Out of the projects executed in nearly 50 countries, 14.7 million people have received aid. Your support is essential and it makes our autonomy possible since we choose to invest in research programs destined at improving the performance of our response or intervene in forgotten crisis situations that have stopped being a priority to the international bodies and the media because the people are still in need.

  • API Restauration, loyal support to Action Against Hunger, decided in 2017 to pass to an even higher engagement level. Responding to our call for support in Somalia, threatened by a strong famine, API Restauration rallied together all of their company restaurants and guests on World Day for Against Hunger on 15 June 2017. More than €200,000 was raised for Action Against Hunger, contributing to the deployment of our operational program in Somalia.
  • From 2016 to 2018, SFAM is supporting Action Against Hunger through financial sponsorship of the CASAN program (Centre for Social and Nutritional Support) based in Antananarivo in Madagascar. On the long term this program is going to be extended as part of an urban, family support initiative for preventing and treating malnutrition. SFAM’s support is vital to Action Against Hunger since it enables thousands of beneficiaries to receive the best possible all-round care.
  • Since 2008, Fonds Suez Environnement Initiatives have been supporting different Action Against Hunger programs in the development of their Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene initiatives. For example, in Burkina Faso, funds have been invested in the first project, “Mobilization of local activity leaders in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene”, for fulfilling the Millennium goals in Tapoa: a project with the objective of making a sustainable improvement to the access of drinking water and sanitation contributing to the prevention of severe malnutrition and improving living conditions and, in turn, the dignity of the people. The funds have been used more recently in a Support Program under local management of an ecologic sanitation integrated project in Ouagadougou.

Our main partners

Binet-mada-GB000175.jpg © Guillaume Binet /MYOP pour Action contre la Faim
Burkina Faso © Jean-Luc Luyssen pour Action contre la Faim

Developing a strategic, co-building, and innovating responsible partnership

The challenges that face society are immense and we must prepare ourselves for new responses funded by alliances.

Through the implementation of innovative, strategic partners, responding to common challenges, we propose to work on tailor-made responses in collaboration with the public and private activity leaders to be able to respond to the needs. Our international presence represented by 7 offices (German, Canada, Spain, United States, France, Great Britain, Italy) and a foundation in India, enables us to preempt global responses and mobilize our network installed in nearly 50 countries.

Our partners


In creating BeeoTop, Generali is one of the first to venture into alternative spaces; new spaces for innovative work.


Since its creation in 1991, AXA Atout Cœur are renowned for their vocation for helping social and humanitarian


HSBC have wished to invest their time and resources in programs related to water since water is so essential to the community.

Fondation JM. Bruneau

Created in 1991 under the sponsorship of Fondation de France, Fondation JM Bruneau has been supporting several projects

JC Decaux

Present in more than 75 countries, JCDecaux is number one in the world of external communication.

Allo Resto

Allo Resto, leading global marketplace for online food delivery, has been supporting Action contre la Faim since 2011.

Fondation CMA CGM

Created by the Groupe CMA CGM, world leader in maritime transpor

BNP Paribas

With Simplidons, BNP clients can round up the cents of the balance of their account each month and donate the amount they wish

Fondation Amaris

In 2017, Amaris SAS together with the Fondation Amaris

CrossKnowledge Foundation

CrossKnowledge Fondation’s goal is to fight against discrimination

La Fondation Suez

Fondation SUEZ aims to support projects fighting against discrimination, improving the living standards of the most vulnerable by giving them access to drinking wate

Paris La Défense

Paris la Défense is the institution that manages the business community of La Défense with a view to organizing,

A team of dedicated partners

The back-up of 4 Centers of Excellence when implementing partnerships to respond better to the needs and challenges.

  • Nutrition and health
  • Food security and livelihoods
  • Mental health and child-care practices
  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene

Our technical expertise

Our technical expertise has been acquired over the years in countries where we are installed, together with the expertise and effectiveness of the AAH missions backed by a global and integrated approach that supports people affected by hunger in the world through 4 expert areas:

  • Nutrition and health
  • Food security and livelihoods
  • Mental health and child-care practices
  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene

In addition to:

  • Mobilizing governments, politicians, and civilians as a whole through our advocacy
  • Research work enabling us to improve the quality of the operational programs through surveys so as to ascertain the causes of malnutrition in a given region, optimize the diagnosis, and define new ways for preventing the same.

We would like to sincerely thank the numerous companies and foundations that support us: AlloResto by Just Eat, Air France, CIC, Fondation Raja, Fondation Urgo, Fonds Inkermann, Fonds Soge Innovation, Hauts de Seine Habitat, Petit Futé, Smart Pharma Consulting, The Tolkien Trust as well as all those companies who have participated in Challenge contre la Faim (Challenge Against Hunger in French).

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